The Final Conference of STORY (Strengthening the Training Opportunities for International Youth) project is taking place at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on the 12th of September 2014.
The STORY Final Conference aims at presenting the outcomes of the one year research study on recognition of mobility for study and training. Additionally, one of the main project outcomes will be launched during the conference, the Erasmusintern platform.
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The Erasmusintern.org is a platform where Trainees and Traineeships meet. It has been developed in the framework of the STORY project which also generated some exciting numbers regarding international internships.
STORY project aims at improving the accessibility and quality of international internships and to increase the awareness regarding the existence of such opportunities for students across Europe.
During the conference representative of the Erasmus Unit in the DG Education and Culture will present first results of the Erasmus Impact Study,
Doris Pack, former MEP and chair of the CULT Committee will share some insight on the development of Erasmus+ and a panel discussion with an intriguing setting will take place.
Stefan Jahnke, President of the Erasmus Student Network, Allan Pall, Secretary General of the European Youth Forum and Pierre-Julien Bosser, co-founder of InternsGoPro will discuss the quality of internships and how to improve the situation for future Interns.
We also invited Thomas Berger, Managing Director of inter.research and Joachim Wyssling from Campus Europae to present some alternative solutions for high quality internships.
Learn more about the STORY project on storyproject.eu
Visit the ErasmusIntern platform: ErasmusIntern.org
Pictures from participants
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