In 2014, the European Youth Event (EYE2014) brought together more than 6000 young Europeans aged between 16 and 30. The event was organised by the European Parliament in close collaboration with the European Youth Forum.
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) had the opportunity to be present with over 40 delegates to attend some of the 200 panels and workshops, to present the organisation during the YO!Fest and to experience the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
As a follow-up of the event, the European Parliament organised hearings in some selected Committees. Our President, Stefan Jahnke, who was also a speaker during the EYE in 2014, had the chance to share some of the 600 ideas that were generated during the event to those committees.
Who says young people don’t want to get involved? Read more from @Europarl_EN #EYEHearings http://t.co/zaUbSCvyM4 pic.twitter.com/JM5tvrN5LG
— European Youth Event (@EP_YouthEvent) February 3, 2015
The hearings ensure an effective political follow-up and gave young people the chance to bring additional attention to some of the ideas. Around 70 Members of the European Parliament reacted directly to the ideas and stimulated a lively debate also on Social Media channels such as Twitter.
Stefan had the chance to present ideas to two different Committees: LIBE (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) and ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety). If you are interested in learning more about the EYE2014 hearings find more information in the following video materials:
Stefan describing his experience of the LIBE Committee:
Stefan describing his experience of the ENVI Committee:
Stefan discussing the EYE2014 hearings (in German):
Find following some reactions by Members of the European Parliament on Twitter:
"Politics should be 1 click away" Great to hear @StefanJahnke speaking 21st century common sense #EYEHearings @EP_Justice @EP_YouthEvent
— Julie Ward MEP (@julie4nw) January 22, 2015
Good to hear enthusiastic presentations from young @EP_YouthEvent participants @stefanJahnke @leonardoPalumbo pic.twitter.com/es8HO06bVs
— Catherine Bearder (@catherinemep) January 29, 2015
.@yankeeu & @StefanJahnke addressing #ENVI cttee w/@EP_YouthEvent; clear calls for action on waste & environment pic.twitter.com/rXFln2IyjY
— Seb Dance MEP (@SebDance) January 29, 2015
Thanks to @StefanJahnke & @yankeeu. #EYEHearings are over, but we won't stop circulating ideas for a better Europe! pic.twitter.com/jLHrTVTIEs
— European Youth Event (@EP_YouthEvent) January 29, 2015
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